Its title is intended to be read as A. Not sure if its rare or extremely rare though. The problem. It is explicitly inspired by the Really Bad Day challenge from the 2013 survival game Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (often abbreviated as CDDA ). ago. My friends and I, however, could straight up not find many items which would normally be relatively common in singleplayer, such as backpacks. I've played 8 hours in Sandbox mode with modified options as it is shown on the screenshot (Melee weapons - Common / Ranged Weapons - Abundant / Ammo - Abundant) but I have noticed that Firearms and Ammo are NOT spawning more often than on default "Rare" settings. edotensei1624 • 1 yr. 1hour=1day. ZenoRain Nov 14, 2022 @ 12:15am. This is why people are getting bored of their characters so. They are wrong. This mod adds custom loot options to the Sandbox Settings, including:Set everything to "rare" or whatever is one step below extreme in your sandbox settings. I personally use rare loot mod with the “rare rare loot” option and on top of that I use customizable loot mod as well, to get even less food loot. I get why mechanics and the medical supplies ones don't have it because they're rather self explanatory. While on the server I personally looted a small police station that had about 7 or 8 guns with loads of ammo. You can feel free to explore the nine other pages and mess around with loot. Adjusting the settings will affect the total loot spawns though you will see less items all together instead of less of specific items. High fuel. Makes a. Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments. So I don't end up raiding a market and getting 2 weeks worth of canned food in the first week of gaming. Brita's Weapon Pack settings tuned for a more realistic looting experience. r/projectzomboid. From the main menu, click Solo, then under Playstyle, select Custom Sandbox to be brought to the settings page. Custom sandbox allows the player to adjust the game settings to the way they like. You’re going to find 11 pages worth of options, though only the first and last relate to zombie spawns. 0 but start at 0. Posted November 26, 2022. It is built on. . 1) recommended settings: custom Apocalypse. Once at 100% uploaded, return to the main panel page. Respawn Hours: 120 hours. Author. Project Zomboid. 2 to start and move up to maybe . Clever, thanks. Yes. 1. A Really CD DA is a challenge game mode that was added to Project Zomboid in build 31 (February 10, 2015). 2. DarkyCrus • 2 yr. I killed already 400 zombies around this fire station but they keep comming out of nowhere. The devs should definitely make it more specific, rather than just saying “other. " All this is something I only figured out messing around with the settings so I. I would target somewhere around . 5. Edit - 22 Dec 2021 - This video is still valid for the current build of Project Zomboid 41. Its Project zomboid. I'm interested in an 'extra rare' loot for food and canned food, specially. All loot: rare and no respawn. Just recently moved over to extremely rare from rare. For large group, zombies could have never got close enough to the rally with the leader due to rally travel distance (in short, the zombies tried to space out away from other zombies before they get within sight of the rally leader). 5, Starting . 97. I made it give one point so that the trait is displayed as a negative one. ”. Note: The only thing I can get to consistently spawn loot is the police station, which makes me think it's a loot rarity issue rather than a loot not spawning issue. rare or extremely rare. Project Zomboid. • 6 days ago. With respawn set to 0, it won’t spawn zombies to increase the starting population to peak. With the Loot Rarity settings, I would like some clarity on what the settings mean. Just to go to the sound settings and then click "advanced settings". ). You can make stone axes, hammers, and knives. Renamed Item "Weight" to "Encumbrance" in the UI and context menu. I've done a bit of testing, and it seems like the spawn rates for food, weapons, and other items aren't working the way they did in the single player Beta. cs file. However, after changing the loot rarity settings, I don't seem to notice any difference in the loot spawns as I can easily find weapons/guns in houses or police stations. If you leave them on extremely rare its going to be overkill. say to a month or more. 65 only a few new settings have been added and I will do a updated. Basicly it looks like the game only spawns loot and items if you enter an area. Set farming and freezer effectiveness to very high (resilient plant, high yield, etc). It fits into zomboid like and update. . ago. I have a dedicated server setup for a small group of buddies as I tuned the sandbox settings to suit our gameplay. It may actually reset loot respawn hours entirely. I enjoy that settings a lot. But it start to show the difference in long run. . When looking at the settings they are just overwhelming and i have no clue what settings would be more vanilla like. Zombies move all the time, either by migration (they just move somewhere else at random intervals, and that distance isn't really far) or they move to a location because they heard noises from events, like gunshots, screems. I really like the loot on the apocalypse setting. UPDATE: If you're using Relih's Swatpack on this current build of the game and are experiencing this issue, take it out of your load order. If you leave them on extremely rare its going to be overkill. Bulding very often closed. For me, after a lot of trial and error, what seems to work is this: Zombie pop: insane but fragile (less hits to kill) Peak day: 14. Try farmhouses, sheds, garages and warehouses. Even on Extremely Rare setting for all items, in the 41 Multiplayer Beta it's consistently possible to find 4+ sources of food, canned and fresh, and weapons. If you want that everywhere new stuff spawns you probably. You can reduce the volume of individual sound effects. Extremely rare: Very little loot everywhere (requires lots of looting/traveling from house to house to get good items. Zombie groups to 300. This includes default options since. If you spawn 3 months in, you will notice much less loot overall, etc. Personally, I don't mess with the senses much, I like them being semi alert at least and I've noticed making them less aware then default leads to really dumb zombies. The main point of why I play Project Zomboid over other any zombie game is because of how I am just an ordinary guy. This mod adds custom loot options to the Sandbox Settings, including: - A zombie loot multiplier (affects loot of generic zombies, special zombie outfits, and bags) - A global chance of attached/lodged weapons on zombies (default is 6%) - A chance of. (This is terrifying with helicopters. No, the cell (loot) has to remain unseen for 16 hours before the loot respawn will trigger. RespawnMultiplier = 0. This is my base around 20 days in, built this all without a sledge hammer. Per page: 15 30 50. I get bit, I turn into a zombie just like any other person would. Population Peak Day: 28 days. My understanding of this, given the tooltips provided is that: Because loot seen prevent hours is 0, loot should respawn every month regardless. 1. It's not enough even to clear muldraugh's main road and sorrounding neighbuhoods. It's for a "months into the outbreak" mode, where most things have already been. Abundant: Every single shelf/box/drawer will be bursting with all of your lifelong hopes and dreams. Population Start Multiplier: 1. Is it just me or is rare loot settings still give to much. Since most tables have a rolls value of 4, here’s what you can expect for each setting: 1 : loot will be reduced by ~75%. All Discussions. I did mostly the same, with shamblers instead, and I set it to max out at 3. No it. eg: in items_food. Which. How to Adjust Zombie Spawns in Project Zomboid. 0, This makes it so that areas you haven't visited in a while respawn, but you can go on a loot run and you won't come back to a ton. pzmap. - Loot Rarity -> All on Extremely RareSubscribe to downloadRealistic Loot Settings for Brita's Weapon Pack. Time to water/electric shut down 2+ months Loot to medium/high No buldings alarms. Melee weapons do spawn more often. Posts: 1. Your close can degredate of blood and water but. But hey, to each their own I guess. I play 16x population from start, its nearly death sentence for me to scavenge for loot. r/projectzomboid. Lemonhead Nov 27, 2019 @ 3:22am. . I litteraly just loot 1 street, and im loaded with food for months, and then there is no motivation to go explore and get more supplies. Don't change this. . It there any way to make food reeealy scarce? so i have to constantly explore to survive? *putting lots of zombies is not an. e: For instance if 'loot respawn' is set to 30 days and 'loot unseen hours' is set to 16 hours for the above example. Zombies and items. never looked at the code but had tried out, felt like the loot of playing CDDA. You choose if player building prevents loot res pawning in an area, as well as how many items can be in a container before it is not allowed to respawn loot. (basically what "Ridiculously Rare" mod does. I recommend increasing the Unseen time for areas to be eligible for respawn instead. And the "loot seen prevent hours" set to 0 *edit* the "max items for loot respawn" is set at 4. Loot rarity ? So i'm about to start a new game, a 6 month later challenge for the first time and i was thinking of setting every loot to extremely rare but i'm afraid that is is going to be too hard, what do you think ? What do you play with ? 121 votes 18 I don't. All cars in very good condition. ago. In my latest Playthrough i found on almost every 10th zombie i killed a gun with with a full box of ammo and that is just insane. Zombies set to good memory and hearing, plus a long travel. ) 2 : loot will be reduced by ~50%. I recommend firearms b41 mod instead if you’re looking for a more balanced weapons mod. It’s probably your loot respawn settings. I know the reason might be because of population number, but still they are too much and seem to appear out of air. txt . Set loot to very rare. When you have supplies, there will be more zombies in new areas. Not really, but it depends on your loot rarity settings when you start the game. of course it should be relatively far from more "populated" areas, but within the city - there is not much loot in the countryside. txt, all entries with the CannedFood = TRUE property qualify as 'Canned Food Loot' in sandbox options. Restart the server to load up Rust with the Better Loot plugin. If loot has been set to some of the lower settings then yea, you'll just need to keep looking. Recommended to run with Rare/Very Rare sandbox settings. OFC ist adding new elements to the game, but the fact that that this mod is making PZ to easy stands. orgI have the "hours for loot respawn" set to 730 - which I believe is a month. 5 and a peak of 2 after 28 days. Spare points: 48. fixed bug introduced in 41. No immunity, no super-human reflexes or god aim. One easier one is near the middle of the map. But only because I like the early game so much, that I want everything I find to feel useful. Weapons and ammunition balanced according to ownership/sales in the US. 0, which is hard with build 41. The "degradation" option only affect how fast your clothes will get bloody/dirty. Insanely rare loot settings and high Population. 4K. If I put the setting to extremely rare for melee weapons does that mean i will find extremely rare quality weapons, or that i will all most never find melee weapons due to them being extremely rare. Added loot rarity settings "Incredibly Rare" and "None", as well as a "Super Low" option for Fuel Pump content. The custom sandbox options include settings for how zombies act and how many there are in the world, loot options including rarity, start time, how vehicles work, and much more. Please check the mod's description before asking questions. My population setting to 2. (could only find a schoolbag or two in the school) Police stations seemed to. เข้าสู่ระบบ ร้านค้า. mygamesonline. Post 1992 weapons are included for more variety. Reply. Made 2 diferent characters both of which with ammo set to rare and ranged weapons set to extremely rare, first one found 3 gun cases in my starter home, quit that and made a new character, walked outside my home killed 9 zombies and got mysself 3 pistols a revolver and 2 boxes of ammo. I'm guessing with all the new items added and it being a multiplayer build, they haven't quite adjusted the settings to single-player games. • 7 days ago. Still use the settings i got on here before which is less respawns, but not. But you can learn to farm and when you travel to other towns,they’ll be loaded by the time you actually get there. But I just came back after a long break. Playing this excellent game for long time now, but still not sure which loot rarity should I pick. Brittas is over detailed and much credit to the 2 mod makers, but it doesn't fit into the game at all. It's apparently possible to accidentally layer them and make it even worse. Items from table stories/randomized stories/etc will still spawn when loot rarity is set to none. we're using B41 Firearms and have ranged weapon rarity set to extremely rare, though within the first 30 minutes of gameplay we all found multiple guns. Population Multiplier: 1. Happy I found the other mod as it fits what I.